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Navy Veteran Marc Sigmon celebrates Military Appreciation Month, helping fellow service members

Marc Sigmon • May 1, 2024

Marc Sigmon continues to serve community and fellow service members as a certified life and health insurance agent

An american flag is waving in the wind against a blue sky

This May, we celebrate Military Appreciation Month.  It’s a month dedicated to those who are are in and out of the military.  Congress designated May as National Military Appreciation Month in 1999 to ensure the nation was given the chance to publicly show their appreciation for troops past and present.

Military appreciation means different things to different people. To some, it may mean thanking military members for their service. To others, it might mean providing military families as they look to life beyond the military. Still, others may see military appreciation as a way to show support for the troops both here and abroad. No matter what it means to you, military appreciation is an important part of our society and culture.  Both the service member and their families deserve our respect for their duty and sacrifice to our county.

A man in a sailor uniform stands in front of a flag

At Marc Sigmon Insurance Agency, military appreciation is an issue that is very personal and hits close to home.  Marc served in the Navy during his 20-year career for more than a decade and now continues to serve his community as a licensed insurance agent.  His relationships with professionals in the community can guide individuals during the period of their transition to civilian life and beyond. 

A man is working on a helicopter on a dock.

Taking the time to discuss important decisions and the timeframe is a critical step in the process. Using his experience, Marc Sigmon provides a unique education-first approach to assist his clients determine the best options for their specific situation.

Some of these points include:


  • Survival Benefit Plan (SPB): Leaving a legacy behind is a common concern for anyone. This unique program designed for military spouses does not address every situation equally. As with most retirement or estate concerns, ensuring the benefits can pass to secondary beneficiaries should be part of the process.
  • Thrift Savings Plan (TSP): What are some of your options once you leave the military? Can you continue to contribute or look into other financial vehicles to achieve your goals? What are some of the benefits of leaving your funds alone?
  • Servicemembers Group Life Insurance / Veterans Group Life Insurance (SGLI/VGLI): Your insurability determines which options may be available to you. Some commercial insurance carriers allow transferring your benefits without medical underwriting. After someone puts all of their conditions and diagnoses into their medical record, what affect does that have on getting approved for life insurance? Which carriers and type of product should I consider for my situation?

These are just a few ways Marc Sigmon Insurance Agency assists current and transitioning military members and their families in Taking the Next Steps Together. Veterans also have options to consider based on their situation. Make an appointment today with Marc Sigmon Insurance Agency.

If you have questions about what your insurance options after leaving the military, contact Marc Sigmon Insurance Agency today! 

A group of men standing next to a dog in front of an american flag
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